lawn mowing

Well it turns out every time I mow my lawn it makes me want to post.  I forget how calming the whole process can be.  I’m not sure if I was even thinking about anything.  While weeding I saved about seven worms.  Poor little guys.  Sometimes I wish I was an earth worm, life would be easier.  There was some sort of huge beetle that I found on the ground that had huge claw like pinchers at the front of it’s head.  It was flipped over on its back but when I tried to flip him over he clearly had a broken leg.  He was squirming around so helpless and I didn’t even have the heart to put him out of his misery.  I just walked away not sure of what to do.  It actually really bothered me.  Basically every weed I shook out to get the bugs off so I didn’t kill them in the garbage bag.  Sometimes the littlest things can make a difference.

After reviewing my last posts I noticed there was not one thing posted about my best friends baby Violet.  Even though I haven’t posted about her yet, trust me when I say I think about her and her family all the time.  She truly is a beautiful baby and I’m happy I’ve gotten to stay close to her.  Family makes me want to start a tiny one of my own.  Baby crazy moments are very common now in my daily thoughts. I feel like I don’t know how I feel. Don’t judge me, I’m hormonal, ha.

Last but not least, a pic of my beautiful baby Bunny from my phone


favorite things

my favorite things about warmer weather are as follows- popsicles, sharing popsicles with Bunny, laying out side, the smell of sun tan lotion, dog hangs, fresh flowers, yard work, fresh cut grass, my backyard, lemonade, playing catch, and fresh fruit.

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